Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hello world expectant of my blog to be up and ready to go on ever Wednesday! To tell you the truth I'm getting bored doing the same thing every week and, well, it happens. I get bored easy... So this week I'm going to do something different... I will tell you, my belly hasn't grown any, not in inches anyways, and I didn't weigh myself this morning. Completely forgot. But hey. Life happens. I am getting SERIOUS amounts of heartburn though, it's intense. Like a dragon has taken residancy in my esophagus. Anywho, that's my mini update for this week... I can feel Charlie all the time now. It's amazing and I love it. I dread the day I can't feel her little movements anymore, BUT that means I'll be holding her. So. I mean there is that too. At work today as I was cruising Pinterest, I came across this woman's blog. And in it she had given '100 things I want my kids to know' I didn't read it because I thought hey, I can do that. So. I did. Except, it's 100 things I want my teenager to know. Or my adult child. Or anyone who will listen... It's basically just a list that I've come up with, and well. I think it's pretty solid advise. Here goes. 

1. You are amazingly beautiful, unique, and cherished. Never forget that. 

2. You have the power to do what you want. Only you can make it so

3. Don't live your life complaining, it is unattractive, and no one truly wants to have a friend that complains all the time. 

4. 'Never grow up' is some really good advise. Always make sure that you understand what that means. 

5. Give respect where it is due. 

6. Always stick up for yourself. Use your words. They can be your strongest weapon. 

7. Stand UP for what you believe in. Don't let anyone silence you. 

8. Don't walk with your head down, you can't see where you're going. 

9. 'Kill em with kindness' - is probably one of the most useful things I was ever taught. 

10. Don't correct peoples grammar. It makes you seem like a know it all.

11. You DONT know it all, research, but always be open to someone else's opinion on the matter. 

12. NEVER judge someone for who they love. It is not a choice. 

13. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. More than likely people treat you how you treat them already. 

14. Like what you like because you chose to. Not because it's a trend. If it happens to also be a trend that's cool too. 

15. Hear me now. YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR DISNEY. Never. Ever. 

16. You create your own luck. 

17. If you're on time, you're already 10 minutes late. 

18. Be kind to small things. 

19. Make wishes. But set goals to achieve those wishes. 

20. Have determination. In everything you do. 

21. Own up to getting distracted. It happens... But don't be rude about it. 

22. Hold hands with people you love. You won't always be able to. 

23. Never be the first to let go when hugging a relative. 

24. Listen to the stories of your elders. They have seen more than you can imagine. Take the time to cherish their words. 

25. Just jump in when you're getting in the pool. Dipping your toe wastes swimming time. 

26. Be daring. 

27. Taste new foods. 

28. Get out of your comfort zone. A ship is always safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are made for... 

29. A good analogy will take words away from someone. 

30. Sing. Even if you don't know the words. Just sing. 

31. Only be shy for a few moments. Then it's time to dive in. 

32. Talk to everyone. People have amazing stories. 

33. Make mistakes. It's a part of life. 

34. LEARN from your mistakes. It's a part of life. 

35. Read books. Real books. In a library. 

36. Watch the clouds and find the pictures in them. 

37. Don't stop using imagination. 

38. Create beautiful things with your hands. 

39. Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to see what you're eating. 

40. Always find one good thing about each day. 

41. Never speak ill of your family. Especially your spouse. 

42. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 

43. Have at least one meal you can cook so well it leaves people begging you to make again. 

44. Use your manners every time 

45. Appreciate the sunrise. 

46. Pay attention to how your father treats me. Learn from it. 

47. Always have a backup plan. 

48. Take pictures. Lots of them. 

49. Share your favorite things. 

50. Cuddle your animals. 

51. Crying does not make you weak. 

52. If you don't like the way someone makes you feel, tell them. 

53. Appreciate the flowers. 

54. Go with the flow. 

55. There is more treasure in books, than there is loot on treasure island

56. Watch classic movies. 

57. Embrace your flaws. 

58. Your true love, is a special gift. Don't tarnish it. Savor it. 

59. Sleep on luxurious sheets. 

60. Wear good shoes. They can affect your mood. No one is happy with unhappy feet. 

61. Drink more water. 

62. NEVER write down anything you wouldn't want someone to read. 

63. Find one thing, excel at it. And don't boast about it. 

64. Say 'yes

65. 'Bait your own hook' -take that as you want. 

66. Love your job. If you can't love it, move on. 

67. Your family needs you. Always remember that. 

68. Keep your promises. 

69. Pinky promises are serious... If you have any doubt about the promise you are about to make, don't pinky promise. 

70. There's appropriate times to swear. Learn them. 

71. Look people in the eye when they talk. Acknowledge them as they speak. 

72. If you must fidget, do so in a manner that won't distract anyone else... A marble, or small toy in a loose pocket is a good idea. 

73. Compliment people. It can literally make their day. 

74. Friendship is a two way street. 

75. You are not a doormat. 

76. Wearing cheap perfume/cologne makes you smell like cheap perfume/cologne 

77. Don't run over bags/boxes in the street. There's kittens in them. 

78. Hear this. Spiders ARE NOT SCARY. 

79. If you can make it, don't buy it. It's more satisfying to have someone ask you where you got something and then non shalantly say, 'oh that? I made it...'

80. If you don't know what a word means, ask for it to be defined. Always look it up on your own after. 

81. Always speak to children as if you are speaking to an adult. If they don't understand, they're honest and will tell you. Or you'll be able to tell. 

82. Be prepared to suffer the consequences for your actions. 

83. Explore everything. 

84. Be polite. It gets you places. 

85. Never belittle someone else's dream. No matter how silly you think it is. 

86. Fix your hair in the mornings, you never know who will come to your door. 

87. There's nothing better than having a loved one take care of you when you're sick. But don't abuse it. 

88. Laugh at people's jokes. 

89. Sometimes you should just breathe to get through a situation. 

90. If you talk badly about someone, they are probably going to find out. Don't lie when they confront you. 

91. Don't waste your day on your electronics. The world is an amazing place. And there's life out there. 

92. Go to the bathroom before you leave the house. Just try... 

93. Unless you're giving directions, don't tell anyone how to drive. 

94. Recognize when you're annoying someone. Stop it. 

95. Take care of your belongings. 

96. When you pass a car accident, you don't need to be a lookie loo, say a prayer and hope for the best. 

97. The best gifts are the unexpected ones, that honor loved ones. 

98. Do good deeds for people you don't know. 

99. Be a gardener... Taking care of plants is a beautiful thing. Spread flower seeds randomly in the spring. Flowers make people happy

100. Take into consideration all things. Really let them sink in.  

So there it is. Hopefully you've learned or gained something for that. :-) 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


How far along: 25 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: gained another lb! And a half inch around! 
Mama gear: dresses and more dresses. It seems as though that I have lost my maxi dress pattern. This makes me terribly sad. And I'll have to get a new one. :-( 
Tiger stripes: nothing new that I've noticed. 
Nuh nite time: still a joke... I'm going to invest in a new body pillow very soon. Anyone have any suggestions to the best one, let me know! 
Best moment this week: Charlie has been moving like crazy! And I love it! So much. It's the most amazing indescribable feeling I've ever felt. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: to sleep on my stomach... Anyone know how soon after childbirth this is possible? 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: no significant cravings to note right now... 
Boy or girl: girl. 
Symptoms: lack of sleep. Frequent urination... Moody... 
Belly button in or out? In, and shallow. 
Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on. :-) 
Happy or moody most of the time: happy, mostly, but I've been noticing I get a little moody here and there. 
Looking forward to: tomorrow I'm going w my niece to HER ultrasound for her lil girl! I'm excited to see! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014


I can feel you all of the time now. You're tossing and turning and letting momma know that you're here. It's a relief, and Everytime I feel your little flutters, I smile quietly to myself. Knowing that for now, I have you all to myself. I love you so much more than I ever dreamed possible. I rest my hands on top of my belly any time I can just to feel your little movements. I know for now, you hear muffled voices and sounds in the womb. You can hear now. And I wonder what your little voice will sound like. You're already growing too fast. I want time to stand still. I want time to hurry up. I can't make up my mind when it comes to time and you. Forever my little girl stay young. Stay youthful. I'm so in love. So soon now you'll be here. And your father and I will help to mold you into the woman you will become. Be strong. Be confidant. Know your roots. Know your limits and then exceed them. Oh the world has so much to offer if you just reach out and take it. It's there. There for the taking. You can become ANYTHING you set your little heart to. You can soar and reach amazing heights. Oh my Charlie. I can't wait to meet you. 

<3 Mommy 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Breast pumps.

Good lord. Where to even begin, something so 'simple' is such a headache... Honestly. I do, very much so, strongly and adamantly plan to breast feed Charlie. A few weeks back, I went to a baby expo, and I was informed, that because of the health care act I was entitled to one COVERED BY MY INSURANCE FOR NO COST TO ME! YEY! So I have 3 brands to choose from. Hygeia, which I'm leaning towards, because all the reviews are raving about it, the medela, which would be my runner up, but, I really don't know. And apparently my insurance is the only insurance that covers this one, and then there's the ameda... But no. All awful reviews so that one is out. Seriously. How do you choose. It's not like it's something that has EVER been a topic of conversation EVER in my life. I swear pregnancy is both the most talked about and least talked about thing I've ever encountered in my entirety of existence! It's crazy when you think about it really. Because it literally happens all the time! But, anyhow. This is my dilemma as of right now. So, if you have used either, or know of anyone who has, PLEASE leave a comment with a review on it, WHY you like it or dislike it... 


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bump blog 12.

How far along: 24 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: belly and weight the same as last week. Sheesh... 
Mama gear: nothing new, although tomorrow I'm going to make myself a maxi skirt... Because well, I found a pattern and I want to... 
Tiger stripes: I'm not getting many, but, I'm about to hit my 3rd trimester, so, I mean, I feel like my belly is about to get massive... 
Nuh nite time: I mean, I feel like a broken record with this one... Even my naps aren't so great. 
Best moment this week: I finished a crochet elephant for Charlie that I was working on. :-) 
Super cute and I love it. :-) 
Right now, I'd really love to go: sleep thru the night... But, I figure I have a good year or so before that is likely to happen again. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: Apples still. But only the granny smiths, and fruits. I'm totally into fruits. 
Boy or girl: #chachacharliegirl! 
Symptoms: nothing new. Thank goodness. 
Belly button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? ENGAGEMENT RING ON! It's exciting because as soon as you tell someone you're prego, the first thing they do is judge you on if you're wearing rings or not. So obnoxious. I actually kind of snapped at a stranger over it... I have no issue telling people when they're being rude. And no, it's not BECAUSE I'm pregnant... Lol! See previous blog 'what not to say to a pregnant woman!' Lol
Happy or moody most of the time: tired. I am tired most of the time. BUT I'm typically in good spirits. 
Looking forward to: sewing tomorrow. Finally... I plan on making a skirt for myself and then some clothes for Charlie too if I can figure out some patterns... 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bump. I know, I'm a slacker. I'm sorry.

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: one pound more since we talked less. And I'm 50 inches around. 
Mama gear: desperately searching for my dress pattern so I can make more dresses. 
Tiger stripes: I've got them pretty intensely on my boobs now... 
Nuh nite time: if you mean how many times do I go to the bathroom while Kevin sleeps, it'd be at minimum of 6 times at night. 
Best moment this week: I can feel her move all the time now. It's amazing. 
Right now, I'd really love to go:to California... It's pretty much 'that time of year' for me. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: well, I'm currently eating coffee ice cream, and some peanut butter fudge, and thinking about apples... Nomnomnom. 
Boy or girl: Cha Cha Charlie girl <3 
Symptoms: tired all the time still, lower back pain. And my hips are widening, so that's a weird sensation... 
Belly button in or out? In but shallower. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off. 
Happy or moody most of the time: pretty happy most of the time. 
Looking forward to? Not working Saturdays anymore... I'm actually REALLY pumped about that. Although this Saturday, I have a bridal shower and a baby shower back to back. So... I'll be pretty busy... Boo. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bump blog (10)

How far along: 20 weeks! I'm half way there! It's amazing how fast time is going!!! 
Total weight gain/measurements: I've hit a plateau with my weight... But still under what I started at. 49.5 inches around. I have officially 'popped' if you will. Lol. 
Mama gear: I seem to have misplaced my pattern for my maxi dresses. But, AS SOON AS I locate it, I am going to be making many as the summer is fast approaching. 
Tiger stripes: I've earned some! On te right side of my belly. They're there!! I feel like I may be the only person in the world that thinks they're beautiful... 
Nuh nite time: BAHAHAHHAHA. Yea. That's my feeling on that one... 
Best moment this week: Charlie is movin and groovin all over the place. It's amazing and I LOVE to feel her move. Today I learned that heavy metal gets her two steppin, and classical puts her to sleep. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: to California. I'm REALLY missing my lil sister. So much. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: it's potatoes still. 
Boy or girl: GIRL! Obv. Eek! So excited! 
Symptoms: im hot. All of the times... I tinkle when I sneeze if I don't cross my legs, my boobs are GIGANTIC, I have to pee more than any human does in their first 12 years of life, and I'm hungry, but noting sounds good. 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I was waking up in the middle of the night because it was so uncomfortable... 
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm really just a happy person... 
Looking forward to: moving the bedroom around to accomidate Charlie. :-) I'm excited for a good deep clean too! 

(Ps I'm sorry this is up so late today, I ended up working both jobs today... And went from one right to the other... Also I wanted to get a belly pic in, but, it didn't happen... I promise to get one in by at LEAST The next bump blog <3) 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bump blog (9)

How far along: 19 weeks!!! 
Total weight gain/measurements: no weight gain. I did talk to the doctor about this, she said it was absolutely fine. Some people gain some people don't... 
Mama gear: in the process of motivating myself to make some more maxi dresses... 
Tiger stripes: still none. 
Nuh nite time: naps have been my bestest friend. As sleep is difficult. It's getting hard to fall asleep. 
Best moment this week: the gender reveal, and finding out the gender. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: back to sleep. But if I do that I'll never be able to sleep tonight. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: no real significant cravings this week honestly. 
Boy or girl: ITS A GIRL!!! :-) 
Symptoms: headaches, I'm tired, bloated...
Belly button in or out? In still. But I noticed it's not as deep. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. But they'll be coming off at night from now on. 
Happy or moody most of the time: happy. Except I had a mini episode today... :-( 
Looking forward to: my day off on Monday so I can hopefully have some motivation to do something crafty... 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gender reveal

So this past weekend we had our gender reveal party... It was small, but perfect... A bunch live far away, and a few couldn't make it for one reason or another. Those that couldn't attend we're facetimed in. And it was amazing. My mom and I decorated and my husband 'played the manager' my moms reaction was the absolute greatest ever in the whole world... She FREAKED OUT and it was amazing. Hubs and I already knew the gender before the party... But. I do have some pictures from the party... It was color themed, and dress in the color you think the baby is, in hubs and I's case what you wanted... Lol. But here are some photos monster said he needed a mask because you wear masks at parties! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


As I lay here trolling Pinterest to try and get tired, my heart is pounding out of my chest I'm so excited. Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow we find out if you are Charlotte or if you are Walter. I can't even begin to actually know even though my gut says you're a boy, how would I actually know. I'm 18 weeks pregnant, PREGNANT! and it's still amazing to me. With every day that goes by I'm still in shock, in disbelief that for every day that goes by, I fall more and more in love. I didn't know this feeling was possible. To love you as much as I already do... I am already so proud of you. Of the accomplishments you have made and you're not even out of the womb. As I lay here and wonder, imagine who you might be, what your eyes will look like when they're studying the world, or how your hair is going to come in, I can't help but think of how fast time is already going, and how quickly you are growing. My heart fills with joy. As I walk through my day I watch mommies and daddies with their babies, coaching them through life, cooing and aweing at their little babes, I can't help but get misty. Because I see in their eyes how proud they are of their babies already. How happy they are. I smile to myself and walk on. Even though I just want to sit and gawk. Watch the interactions. The smiles on the children's faces. Oh I lay here, with your fluttering in my belly and I can't wait to hold you. To see you for the first time. I can't wait to see who you'll become. Your little personality. I love you so much baby. So incredibly much. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. And finally know if you'll be my Charlotte, or my Walter forever. Mommy loves you more than you could ever imagine... See you soon. <3 

Bump post (8)

How far along: 18 weeks! Can you believe it?! 
Total weight gain/measurements: still 3lbs under start weight but, again this is due to healthier choices I make overall. My doctor said that it's common for weight loss. 47.5 inches around. 
Mama gear: maxi dresses are my new best friend... Plus they make my belly look so so cute. I'm making a new one tonight, or tomorrow. Shooting for today though... 
Tiger stripes: I noticed a few on my hips last night. But not bad. 
Nuh nite time: wanna talk about last night because I didn't sleep a wink, between baby dreams and excitement for tomorrow... 
Best moment this week: Saturday. Because I finally got my energy back! So awesome I'm so excited about it! 
Right now, I'd really love to go: take a nap... :-) 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: Granny Smith apples. Still. 
Boy or girl: convinced it's a boy! But, you won't know till AFTER the gender reveal party on Saturday. 
Symptoms: I'm bumping everything with my newly formed belly... So there's that... 
Belly button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I woke up in the middle of the night the night before last with my finger all swollen. :-( 
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm super happy. Especially since my energy is back. 
Looking forward to: going shopping with mom for the gender reveal party on Saturday... But SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW MORNING! WE FIND OUT THE GENDER IM BESIDE MYSELF! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The baby's first handmade gift<3

So I have some amazingly talented friends... One in particular is extremely generous with her craft... She is so kind to spend hours upon hours crafting for my unborn child. She handed me the gift with such pride in her eyes, and I opened it and immediately fell in love. It will be something I treasure for all of my days. It's the perfect size for the carseat and will be used frequently. She also made a hat that matches she's also told me that she's slightly obsessed with the baby in my belly, she said she wanted to give us this so that when we find out boy or girl she could make us something more specific lol. So, here's what she made me... 
I forget what stitch she said it was, but it's very cozy and warm... And very closely crocheted together. 

Thank you Michelle. We'll love it forever and ever. <3 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Have some courtesy ... Don't say that to a pregnant lady.

For this, the offensive, or annoying thing you SHOULDNT say is going to be in bold. And my response, or the response of one of the girls in my Facebook group for mamas is going to be in regular non boldness. The first question is a pre pregnancy question that KILLS me when people ask. Also, this will be ongoing, as I'm SURE there will be more that come up... Just scroll down to see the new addition... Or if you have any additions to this one I'd LOVE to hear about it... Please comment what was said, and your response to it!! 

Are you guys trying to have a baby? 
1. It's NONE of your business. What if I wasn't fertile. Or if he wasn't... Shut your face. 2. Yes. Yes my husband and I have consummated our marriage and yes, we continue to. -_- shove it. You have no idea the situation we are in, or if that couple CAN have babies. It's rude and not something you should be asking. 

Wow, you don't look pregnant?! 
Really? Because according to my pants, that I can no longer wear I'm a huge beach ball. Are you kidding me? What kills me is that people who have been, or are currently pregnant have said this to me. No. Shut it. I'm a fatty fatty 2x4 can't through the kitchen door. Don't comment on weight or if I look pregnant. That's rude. Shush. 

You're hormonal because you're pregnant... 
'No you dumbass, you just piss me off, pregnant or not!'
-J and I couldn't have said it better myself! 

THAT'S what you chose for a name? I don't like it because (xyz) how about _______ instead. 
You know what? No. Shut up. This is not your child. You did not have a hand, (or part) in making this child. How DARE you say something like that... I wasn't ASKING your opinion, I was TELLING you what my husband and I have chose to name our child. The name has meaning to us. WE like it and your opinion does not matter. And to suggest otherwise is rude and inconsiderate. It goes along with, if you've got nothing nice to say then say nothing at all. 

Was it an accident?/ Are you keeping it? 
I don't even have words for you. Shut your mouth. It's none of your business. How dare you ask someone that... I can't. I can't even with this one. This seriously just makes me want to punch you in the eye... 

Oh, just you wait... 
Really? Do you think that I've never seen a movie, had younger siblings, shared a bedroom with a baby, babysat, or even have any kind of knowledge of a baby whatsoever? So I've never been pregnant before, but I'm aware, that I'm going to be uncomfortable, I'm aware that I pee ALL THE F*CK*NG TIME. I understand what being pregnant entails, and I'm aware that a baby, WHO RELIES FULLY ON OTHER HUMANS TO KEEP IT ALIVE comes after being pregnant. Crap. I know... I get it. There's a baby coming and she's going to cry. And I'm going to cry because I -just don't know what to do- I. Freaking. Know. That I am 'in for it'. Enough. Stop saying that to people. It's awful. 

Oh, don't worry about that, it's a part of being pregnant it's 'normal' 
You know what. Every pregnancy is different. So no. Don't tell me not to worry, you don't know me, or my body, my pregnancy or my doctor. Well. You might know me, or my doctor, but just because you have previously been pregnant, or 'you've heard/read' something online doesn't make you a fucking expert. I have a tiny person growing inside of me, and you know what?! It's weird... It's awkward, and uncomfortable. Don't belittle me and my feelings because it's 'normal' what's normal for you, could be awfully dangerous for someone else. Like, for instance, my stomach pains, weren't actually my uterus growing like everybody said it was, it's a pulled groin muscle. So yea. It's super freaking painful and it sucks. So. Shove it... 

Should you be eating/doing that? 
Go away. I've talked with my doctor, we know what I should and shouldn't be eating. Yea. Maybe a burger isn't the BEST choice... But at that moment it could possibly be the only thing I can eat with out it projectile vomiting back up. So. Sh. Also, you don't see EVERY choice I make. So how can you POSSIBLY know what's good for me right then. LEAVE ME AND MY FUCKING FRENCH FRIES ALONE unless you want to get the death glare from hell and a reprimanding. Mind ya biz. As far as I'm concerned. The only person that even has a right to say something is my husband... And even that pisses me off... No one is safe. And you don't know what I should be doing. If I'm doing something, and I seem to be struggling, fucking help me. Don't just stare with your mouth gaping open, do a little jog if you're that concerned and help. Crap. It's not that hard. I help strangers all the time. Because it's nice and I know I'd appreciate it. So either help me, or move on and shut your mouth. 

Get your sleep now while you can!! 
Because sleep will never ever happen ever again ever. Right? Ok. Cause it's that easy. Please... Honestly, sleep that I do get? Sucks. I wake up consistently. For no reason. And I'm just awake... I can't fall asleep. And I can't stay asleep. Maybe this is mother natures horrific way of preparing me for what's to come. But if one more person tells me to 'get it while I can' I'm going to call them every time I can't sleep so they can sing me a damn lullaby to get me back to sleep. Seriously. Sleep isn't happening now either... So. I mean. Your comment already doesn't fit. 


Baby bump (7)

How far along: 17 weeks!!! 
Total weight gain/measurements: still no weight gain. I'm going to attribute this to making healthier choices with my food. I'm 47 inches
Mama gear: whelp, I'm sporting a belly. That I think is noticeable... 
Tiger stripes: nothing new. 
Nuh nite time: gosh... The phrase 'get sleep now while you can' makes me want to punch people in the head. I can't. I just can't. Sleep doesn't happen. I shouldn't be functioning... Naps are my main source of survival right now... 
Best moment this week: POTATOES! I've had potatoes. That was so happy. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: fabric shopping. Relieve some stress in touching the fabrics. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: Granny Smith apples... And fruits. Yum. 
Boy or girl: I still feel boy. We find out in one week from tomorrow. SO excited. 
Symptoms: headaches. And serious acne. Annoying... 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm a happy camper. 
Looking forward to: next weeks ultrasound! And the gender reveal party too! I'm so excited! 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monster and the baby

This past weekend we explained to monster that the next time he comes to our house we will know if he's having a brother or a sister. He seemed very excited to have someone to play with. I did explain to him it will be a different kind of playing than what he is used to. I don't think he fully grasps that a baby is coming, and coming to stay. Sunday I took monster out for some quality time with me and my side of the fam while Da stayed home and worked on some homework. We went to target of course and got just some basic around the house things and I told monster that I needed to get diapers and wipes. He was pretty excited that I gave him the reins to find the diapers and wipes, we walked the exact wrong way. But it didn't matter to me. He was in charge and on a mission. We even walked past the toys, and while he paused for a moment, he kept marching on. Determined to find what we needed for the baby. He was very proud when we finally made it to the diaper area... I selected some diapers and a huge box of wipes. And monster very seriously said that he NEEDED to pick out a baba (bottle) for the baby. That the baby needed it. And he wanted to pick the perfect charachter bottle out... So we headed back to the baby section and he looked. Nothing was perfect. He seriously didn't like ANYTHING target had to offer. Saying 'oh no. The baby won't like this one' I told him we could try a different store, and his eyes lit up. We went up and cashed out, of course he deserved a big brother snack and this loving little monster picked out sour patch kids 'because they're our favorite, you can have all the blue ones' this boy melts my heart. So, we got into the car and went down the street to wal-mart. His idea, he says he saw just what we needed when he was there yesterday. It's funny how kids have no concept of time. We went bowling 'yesterday' not to wal Mart. Lol. Anyhow. He took his time and studied every single thing there. He picked out a bottle that would be good for a boy or a girl because he didn't know yet what the baby was going to be... A giraffe rattle 'that would be perfect for the baby to hold' a rabbit toy and a rabbit 'necklace' he called it, it's actually a teething ring that rattles but he really liked the idea that it was a necklace so who was I to tell him otherwise... Here's a picture of his loot that he got for the baby. 
What is your favorite baby toy or 'thing' that you got for your baby? 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Baby bump (6)

How far along: 16 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: lost 3lbs, 46inches 
Mama gear: there's no way I can wear 'normal' pants 
Tiger stripes: nothing new. 
Nuh nite time: is a thing of the past apparently... 
Best moment this week: the ultrasound. My mom and I went. And seeing the baby, (even if it was just for a tiny minute), my mom saw for way longer than I did. The ultrasound tech seemed as though she didn't want to even be talking to us until we mentioned that we were from California, and then she was all happy about us, she even had me get on the table again and do more of the ultrasound... so maybe next time she'll let me see my little wiggle worm for longer. But my mom said that the baby was moving all around and the doctor had to chase the baby, for the ultra sound and the again for the Doppler. It was an amazing experience... I'm still so in love with this littler wiggler. <3 here's the picture that I got this time. Profile picture. I love this. Actually looks like a baby. And I'm so in love. What do you think? Boy or girl?? :-) 

Right now, I'd really love to go: fill this script to get my headaches under control 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: potatoes, cereal, red Gatorade, sour candies. Mostly everything that I have been with the addition to the potatoes. lol. 
Boy or girl: I really feel boy honestly. 
Symptoms: bloody gums, headaches, shortness of breath, and my hands and feet keep falling asleep.. 
Belly button in or out? In! 
Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or moody most of the time: happy. And energy is coming back!! :-) 
Looking forward to: WE FIND OUT THE GENDER ON APRIL 10th! And then we're having a gender reveal BBQ that weekend! So excited! I CAN NOT WAIT. <3 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Old wives tales gender predictor

So of course the number one question that everyone asks you when you're newly pregnant, 'do you know what you're having? Are you going to find out' 

No. We don't know yet. Yes we totally want to know what gender the baby is. I want to go shopping for this mini monster... And start planning for the baby. I'd LOVE to know right this second, but since I'm not even 16 weeks yet, and we don't find out until 18 weeks or beyond, with an ultrasound coming up on Monday, (days before 16 weeks) I'm thinking it'll be another month or so before we find out Charlotte or Walter... So, when I first started the blog my little sister said I needed to do the wives tales predictions. So. Here's some that I could find on the internet, if you know of other ones you'd like to know let me know in a comment! 

Above (g) or below (b) 140 BPM 
Craving salty (b) or sweet (g)
Morning sickness (g) or no (b)
Moody (g) or happy (b) 
Sleep on left (g) or right (b) 
More headaches (b) or no (g) 
Softer skin (g) or dryer skin (b) 
Dad's weight lost (b) gain (g) 
Skin clear (b) breaking out (g) 
Carrying high (g) or low (b) 
Craving citrus (g) or no (b) 
Graceful (g) or clumsy (b) 
Cold feet (b) no change (g) 
Heartburn yes (g) or no (b) 
Mayan odds and evens... Girl 
Chinese calender... Girl 

So that's 11 girl and 5 boy... Only time will tell what we're going to be bringing into this world and gosh I really can not wait! I'm so excited! It seems like the time is just flying past me with this pregnancy! It's still almost unreal... I couldn't feel more blessed with this pregnancy I just hope my future ones are the same!!! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baby bump (5)

How far along: 15 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: 46 inches! (Holy poop!) no weight gain

Mama gear: I'm LOVING my maternity gear! I really want to get some new shirts that accentuate the belly. 
Tiger stripes: no new ones. 
Nuh nite time: sleeping is difficult. The dreams are seriously vivid and it doesn't matter if I am having good dreams or bad ones, it still makes me not be able to sleep. 
Best moment this week: today. Husband and I went for a walk in the woods... And then we ate some hummus and crackers, and watched frozen. Spending time with my husband is my fav. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: shopping for the baby... I seriously can't wait to find out what we're having! 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: I'm still obsessing over cereal and red Gatorade. Although I've cut down on the Gatorade because it's not so great for me to be drinking as much as I was... But I savor every single drop. 
Boy or girl: well. I actually have no idea right now... 
Symptoms: so so so so tired. And only a little nauseous... But I'm feeling pretty great actually. 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Still all on! 
Happy or moody most of the time: happy! 
Looking forward to: the ultrasound on Monday. Oh my gosh I'm soooo excited I can not wait to see this baby! The baby has grown SO much since the last time i had an ultrasound. Gah. I can't wait! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Target baby goodie bags

So in Facebook I'm in a secret group of other mommies, that are due in September same time as me... We found each other through the dreaded baby center app, couldn't figure any of it out so one of the girls had the heinous idea of making a super secret private invite only first time mommy group. This by far, has been the most supportive group of women I've ever met in my life. I'm so glad that I have them in my life and I know that they will be in my life for a long time... So it's amazing... I'm happy that we found each other, we congratulate where necissary, and help when it's needed. Support is the main thing and it's completely judgment free, there is literally not a 'tmi' filter with these ladies and I can't even tell you how refreshing it is... So amazing and a great relief. Because 'oh my god is anyone else feeling this feel?!' And you get an immediate response... It's great. These girls have an emotional hold on my life and I love it. But, so the point of that tangent was, I was talking about the freebie goody bag that I got from motherhood maternity, and one of the girls was like hey, they're at target too! So of course it tromped on down there happy as a clam to get my free baby stuff for signing up for a registry, which I would have already done, because target is amazing. I've already decided that I'll be exclusively at target because I went to babies r us and holy crap is that place expensive. I'm not going to ask my guests to my baby shower to spend all kinds of ridiculous money when they can get the same thing, for 100$ cheaper... (Seriously, the stroller I am in love with at babies r us I went home and researched, it's 100$ cheaper at target!) so of course I went to two different targets, because I read online that there's more than one gift bag. 

So the first bag is definitely the better bag for sure, I got this one at a target that has a photo kiosk, so it had a target photo gift card instead of a snapfish which I thought was the only downfall... So, this one had a a diaper trial, a lotion, a bink, purple, which I thought was kind of silly, because what if a baby in the belly is a boy? Then there's the nursing pads... I'll take as many of those as I can get! A bottle, breast milk storage bags, some coupons and a list of what should be on my registry. The lady was really nice and excited for me... So, she ended up giving me two of these bags, so I have double of this one. It was very nice of her, and she totally didn't have to do that. So. That was cool. 

This next one I got the shutterfly gift card, lotion, a bink that was white so it's unisex which is nice, breast milk bags, nursing pads, a book of coupons, a diaper trial and a blue disposable diaper pail... 

All I had to do was walk in and ask and say that I had started a registry online and they have me one... Both ladies I talked to were super super nice and congratulated me many times. It was nice. I also heard about babies r us, I went there and got one but don't have a picture of it... So, I'll have to do that and take a picture and give a review. I've also heard of other places that give goodie bags. So I'll research that and go and find the places that do the goodie bags and I'll update on that as well! :-) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bump update (4)

How far along: 14 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: 44 inches my little belly popped! And a gain of one pound.
Me in January 
Me this month!! 

Mama gear: nothing more than what I've already bought, but I can't wait for maxi dresses! I'm thinking I need to make some new ones too! 
Tiger stripes: none that I can see 
Nuh nite time: sleep is getting better, but it's still not the best... 
Best moment this week: looking at baby stuff with my mom. I love hanging out with her and talking about all the baby stuff. :-) 
Right now, I'd really love to go: to sleep. I'm so tired. 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: still cereal... I'm obsessed. AND chive and onion cream cheese. 
Boy or girl: I had another boy dream, so I'm on the boy train again! Lol
Symptoms: still acne of a 16 year old... Beautiful... Super constipated, AND A BELLY POPPED!!! 
Belly button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? Still all on! Which I'm excited about because I feel naked without them! 
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm pretty happy most of the time for sure. Still some crying here and there. But, nothing major... 
Looking forward to: this nap I'm about to take! And seeing monster this weekend. I miss him mucho mucho right now. :-) 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bump update (3)

How far along: 13 weeks! Holy poop! 
Total weight gain/measurements: same measurements and weight as last week
Mama gear: MAMA JEANS! So comfy! 
Tiger stripes: not that I've noticed
Nuh nite time: PFFFTTT as if! I slept all of 2 hours last night and got up to pee a record breaking 6 times. -_- 
Best moment this week: I actually can't disclose what that was online... Unfortunately. Fortunately if things like that keep happening, you'll know very, very soon. :-) 
Right now, I'd really love to go: shopping for baby stuffs! 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: cereal and red Gatorade. Not together... That's gross. 
Boy or girl: I had a dream the other night of girl, so I'm feeling girl! 
Symptoms: oh hello acne reminiscent of when I was 16. I did not miss you. Please go away! 
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? BOTH ON!!! :-) 
Happy or moody most of the time: pretty happy I haven't cried all week! 
Looking forward to: 2.5 weeks from now when I get to see my behbe again! I'm so excited!!! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Motherhood maternity (I caved and got new pants)

I was trying to hold off as long as humanly possible, but when we went to the outlets today unexpectedly... And I saw the maternity store, I knew I had to stop in... And I'm glad I did... Although the jeans I got weren't on sale (29.99) they were cheaper, and looked better on me than any other pair has. And I also got a black pair of pants for work, also the most comfortable pair in the world... 

But holy crap. How come no one ever told me that these were the most amazingly comfortable things on the planet... Holy crap. Why would anyone want to hold off on maternity jeans! Amazingly comfortable. I can't even explain how amazing they are. All I have to say is go try some on. Seriously. I don't care if you are pregnant or you're not. And if you're trying to hold off, do not. They will change your life. Forever. 

Now let's get to the part I loved the most, you thought it was the clothes didn't you? No. It was check out and getting away from the overly pushy sales ladies. BUT she did give me a bag of goodies as I left the store... Took my address and my email for more freebies and testers to be sent later... Pretty excited. 

What I got. 

So this lot is a bunch of coupons... I'll go left to right top to bottom. 
Jcp photo coupon. 30%
Carter's and osh gosh 20% (which I'm the most excited about) 
Information for via cord. (Which if we can afford it we will certainly be doing) 
Huggins welcome guide. 
'Work at home for doctors' I'm sure some pyramid scheme... Not interested 
External thermometer coupon
Buybuy baby 20% 
Fisher price info on their products 
baby Einstein online exclusive. 
Aveeno coupons. 

And more fun stuff! I was really pumped about this lot. They all came in the same bag. But this is exciting! 
Aveeno lotion trial size
Nuk paci 0-6 months 
Gift cards for a nursing pillow, car seat canopy, baby sling, and a nursing cover, which makes it so I can just pay shipping and I get these things, basically for free. Pretty pumped and I plan on getting all of them. 
Butt paste haha. But I hear the stuff is amazing. I'll put this in my diaper bag. (When I get one eventually lol) 
Shutterfly 20$ redeemable card I'll use this for birth announcements! :-) 
And lastly leg cramp cream... Great. If that isn't a warning I don't know what is lol! 

When I got home I immediately checked out the websites for the gift cards. All really cute patterns and I'm excited to Order them all! Very soon the husband and I will be rearranging the room to make room for baby. When we do I'll be able to organize all the baby things and as for now I have all the baby things piled on my dressed just waiting for a place to be! If you know where to get anymore freebies let me know!!! I will gladly sign up! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

I am so in love

So, one week ago today i heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time. it took a second for the doctor to find it and i held my breath, when she found it, a sigh of relief, and a feeling i have never felt before waved over me. proud. i was proud of my little baby, so amazing what that baby has done, has grown so much already that a heartbeat is there. the sensation overwhelmed me, but in a way i could have never imagined. i looked back at my husband, and his eyes were focused on this little box that was producing such a magnificent sound. i smiled at him as he stared at this box in a quizzical manner. the sound filled the room, my ears, my heart and i knew at that moment i never wanted the doctor to move that magical wand that connected me to my baby so i could hear what was going on inside of my body. i of course recorded the sound and have proudly shown anyone who will listen. that's my baby. that's my little love bug, my bean my peanut, or whatever little name that will come along, but what matters is that that baby is ours, i cant even explain the love for this child, who i haven't even met yet, thoughts of baby things cloud my head, baby clothes and noses and fingers and toes. i see babies in carriages and i can just only smile wildly to myself one day very soon that's going to be me and my baby. thats going to be me holding and rocking and soothing a baby. and i honestly can not wait. i am enjoying being pregnant. i really am. i love every second of it. i feel at ease, relaxed happy and proud. but gosh do i want to hold my baby so badly. it seems as though the time is just whirring by me in an instant, hours to days to weeks to months now, wasn't it JUST January? didn't i JUST find out i was pregnant? and now im heading into week thirteen, my second trimester approaching faster than i can even blink an eye? Due date will be here faster than you can even imagine! than i can even imagine. this baby is going to storm the world, oh ive got big expectations of you little one, such big dreams and aspirations! oh baby of mine, hurry up and take your time.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bump update

How far along: 12 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: +2lbs and my belly is 42 inches
Mama gear: not yet, but it's going to be VERY soon. My clothes are tighter, and bras are MUCH too small. 
Tiger stripes: none that I've noticed. 
Nuh nite time: better, but I've had such vivid dreams, and a little difficulty falling asleep. 
Best moment this week: hearing the baby's heartbeat. Oh my goodness. How magical. <3 so in love. 
Right now, I'd really love to go: back to bed. I'm already planning and looking forward to my nap today... 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: Mexican food... 
Boy or girl: still feeling boy. We find out in April. 
Symptoms: constipation... Not pleasent I know. But still... And slight morning sickness until I eat something then all is well. 
Belly button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Same as last week... 
Happy or moody most of the time: really happy a lot actually. And I've only cried like 3 times this week... So, that's good. 
Looking forward to: seeing the baby again in one month. Gah. I'm so excited. Also, my mother in law says that I can hear the baby's heartbeat with her stethoscope once I'm far enough along. So I'm pretty pumped for that. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Baby (baby) haul

Well. Because I'm super excited about baby coming I'm going to do a mini haul of the things baby owns as of yet. :-) and when I say mini, I mean, I just found out I was pregnant not too long ago, and I don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl yet, so I don't really feel comfortable buying a whole bunch of stuff for baby yet. Better believe that when i do find out, I'm getting a whole bunch of gender specific things, bow ties or Tutus. Seriously. If I have a little boy, he's going to be the most dapperly dressed child, or so I say now before hectic ness of mommy hood happens... And my little girl would be dressed to the nines, and if I can handle it a tutu every darn day. But, alas, I have roughly a month until I can make my first 'big haul' trip. Gah. I can. Not. Wait. So, here are some lil things to get me started with the amazing journey of buying stuff...

 Next is crafting. I've found an amazingly easy toutorial of a crocheted baby blanket, which all I need to know is pink or blue, and it's on... I'm excited for sure though. I'll show that when I'm done with it for sure. 

So, item number one... Baby shoes. These baby shoes were how I told my mom, first to know, and my husband that I was pregnant, so, I found out in a testJo Anne's fabric bathroom... Story starts months ago, since I've taken about a bajilliondy tests, it wasn't special to pee on a stick anymore, so I'd take them wherever... I had talked to a biff of mine eairlier in the day and she was like dude, you're totally prego, you need to take a test. I dreaded it. I dragged my hot mess self out of the house, I needed to go to the craft store anyhow, obviously I lost my seam ripper, because I swear that's what those things are made for, getting lost, and decided to stop at the cvs next door... Grabbed a test, was going to wait the 'could take up to ten minutes' get my seam ripper and go home and sew. Well. Was that totally not how it went. Here I am, hair in a top knot, (which my hair is usually done meticulously, and NEVER up) sweatpants. Yes. Dear lord. I was in sweatpants, not only that but the ones with the elastic at the bottom, a shirt that said 'I got lucky at kings' and a zip up hoodie and not a stitch of makeup on... Classy I know.  Ok. So here I am, go to the bathroom dancing trying to rip the packaging open because oh my gosh I have to pee so bad, finally get it open, pee on the stick, and bring it up to put it on the toilet paper dispenser to keep it flat. Oh. My. God. Is that two lines? No. I didn't look at it I wasn't even done peeing. No freaking way... So clearly I finish my business and take a better look. I didn't pick it up because ya gotta keep it flat it says. Holy crap. It's two lines. I'm frigging pregnant. No. Damn way. Finally it says yes... Not a let down. My frigging heart is pounding... Walked away from it and come back. Yep still pregnant... It's at this point, I realize I haven't even pulled my pants up. I put the test in my pocket, freak out grinning ear to ear and rush out of the store. What the heck to I even do first?! Crap. Call my mom... So I called her, she's bitching about her day and I literally don't even hear a word she says. I tell her it's an emergency and she has to meet me at target now. Like. N.O.W. She really tries to get out of it and I literally tell her no she doesn't have a choice I need her to buy me a pregnancy test, now. It has to be now! So reluctantly she comes. I go to the store and buy the SMALLEST pair of shoes I can find. Perfect race out of the store and go to target parking lot and wait, what feels like 20 hours but was actually about ten minutes. Ohp. Here she is. Squealing into the parking lot. And all I can do is giddily laugh, I play it as cool as I can jump into the passenger side of her car, and as she tells me about the crappy day she had, I have to look out the window because I know that she going to flip her shit in a minute. I literally can't concentrate on what she's saying I'm so excited I have a tear rolling down my cheek. I'm freaking out, so as she's telling her story, she's very animated, as she's looking away I pull out the shoes and place them on my leg closest to her. It takes her a minute to realize they are there and it's all over. She loses it. She's screaming, saying 'NO! NO! NO! Freaking way! Oh my god. Seriously? Oh my god!' Flipping she can't even form sentences... I'm crying, she's crying, I then said see that's the emergency! I already took the test... I ask her if she wants to go and look at baby stuff and of course she says yes. Her whole mood changes. She's excited now. And then I SWEAR her to secrecy... And we go look at baby stuff. Cooing and awing over everything... We finish up and go our ways, I'm still flipping out because now I'm going to tell the husband hey, you're going to be a daddy. Again! (He has a son from a previous relationship. I call him monster) so, I hand him a Reese's his favorite, and he says oh babe I love you. And then I hand him the shoes... He was slightly confused, I say um. I'm pregnant, he looks at me and goes, 'well yea, I knew that...' I was like what?! He says, 'babe, I'm a biologist and plus, your boobs are HUGE' oh thanks babe! Lol. But. Here they are. I've since painted on them, but we didn't end up using it for what I had thought. So... Now they're just cute shoes. Lol. 
So, shortly after we found out we went to Disney and I of course got some things there. I also learned who exactly figment was... He's my new favorite by the way. But, I got this onsie in a cast member exclusive backstage store. Pumped. It's super cute. 
And of course baby needed a figment plushie too. 

and a dinosaur. 

My mom went to Disneyland and got just about the only gender neutral thing she could find. Lol... I love it and now wish I had gotten the one at disneyworld while I was there. 

And then comes the outfit given by a friend of mine. <3 I love this one so flipping cute! She gave me a onsie too, but that's in the car somewhere, and I'm in my cozy bed. Lol. It's really cute though. Dark blue and says 'what's that smell' 

But, so that's my mini haul, for now at least this is what I've got. :-) if you have any suggestions on what I should get before baby comes, comment below! I've never had a baby before so I need suggestions! lol 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I could just cry.

At any moment. Seriously... I could be happy watching something. Here it comes oh god. I'm crying.

 The other day, I was watching a 6 year old dance on Ellen and I was crying... WHY WAS I CRYING?! He was just dancing?! Or like today. When I learned that my next appointment isn't actually for an ultrasound like I had originally thought. It's for a regular OBGYN scary duck appointment. I talked with the receptionist, who wasn't the nicest -_- gr. and she was like 'ugh no. It's not for that' obviously I explained to her that I was under the impression that I was having an ultra sound. 

Then I hear "Shelley you have a client" oh great. Now I have to wipe the tears, and man up if you will, and do this client. Stressing the whole time, god lord I don't even FEEL pregnant anymore. I GET IT IM ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES. If I hear that one more time I'm going to scream. I understand I'm lucky that I'm not continuously barfing my brains out, but it still makes me worried. Ya know? 

So I'm done with my client and I call back and speak with the nurse practitioner. Because if I don't I'm going to seriously have a panic attack, I tell her I'm freaking out, she says every pregnancy is different. (Well yea. I know that) and not to stress too much. She tells me exactly what the appointment is going to consist of, duck thing eek I hate that thing! And a Doppler heartbeat. 

Thank The Lord. Now I'm crying again because I'll at least be able to hear the heartbeat! Very excited for Mondays appointment, even though I don't get to SEE the little baby. But, hearing the heartbeat is going to make me very happy. And most likely cry again. Then HOPEFULLY I'll be able to make an appointment to find out boy or girl! Gah! I can't even. I'm so excited! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bump update

How far along: 11 weeks 
Total weight gain/measurements: I've lost 4 pounds and my belly is 43 inches around. 
My baby is: the size of a strawberry 
Mama gear: not yet, but I can't wait for maxi dresses and skirts this summer
Tiger stripes: just on my girls, but I've had minor ones all my life, they're just more defined now
Nuh nite time: as if, I wish, sleep is near impossible. But naps are all the time. I wake up in the morning excited for a nap later in the day. 
Best moment this week: working at the Disney store. I swear. That place just makes me so very happy. :-) 
Right now, I'd really love to go: to this poi (fire spinning) retreat that I just learned about, but by the time it comes I'll be too far along.. Danger danger! But, I plan on going next summer for sure! 
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: lemons. I need lemons. All the time. Straight lemons... 
Boy or girl: we don't know yet, but, id love to have a little princess... But, I feel boy... We've also picked out names. Charlotte Ann for a girl and Walter Reese for a boy. And frankly, I don't care if you like them, it's our child not yours. Tough. 
Symptoms: slightly nauseous. Not too bad though this week... 
Innie or outie (belly button): In! 
Wedding rings on or off: engagement ring on, wedding ring off... 
Laughing, waterworks, or rageso happy I'm crying all the time. 
I can't wait to: see my baby next week! We have an appointment on the the 24th of febuary.