This past weekend we explained to monster that the next time he comes to our house we will know if he's having a brother or a sister. He seemed very excited to have someone to play with. I did explain to him it will be a different kind of playing than what he is used to. I don't think he fully grasps that a baby is coming, and coming to stay. Sunday I took monster out for some quality time with me and my side of the fam while Da stayed home and worked on some homework. We went to target of course and got just some basic around the house things and I told monster that I needed to get diapers and wipes. He was pretty excited that I gave him the reins to find the diapers and wipes, we walked the exact wrong way. But it didn't matter to me. He was in charge and on a mission. We even walked past the toys, and while he paused for a moment, he kept marching on. Determined to find what we needed for the baby. He was very proud when we finally made it to the diaper area... I selected some diapers and a huge box of wipes. And monster very seriously said that he NEEDED to pick out a baba (bottle) for the baby. That the baby needed it. And he wanted to pick the perfect charachter bottle out... So we headed back to the baby section and he looked. Nothing was perfect. He seriously didn't like ANYTHING target had to offer. Saying 'oh no. The baby won't like this one' I told him we could try a different store, and his eyes lit up. We went up and cashed out, of course he deserved a big brother snack and this loving little monster picked out sour patch kids 'because they're our favorite, you can have all the blue ones' this boy melts my heart. So, we got into the car and went down the street to wal-mart. His idea, he says he saw just what we needed when he was there yesterday. It's funny how kids have no concept of time. We went bowling 'yesterday' not to wal Mart. Lol. Anyhow. He took his time and studied every single thing there. He picked out a bottle that would be good for a boy or a girl because he didn't know yet what the baby was going to be... A giraffe rattle 'that would be perfect for the baby to hold' a rabbit toy and a rabbit 'necklace' he called it, it's actually a teething ring that rattles but he really liked the idea that it was a necklace so who was I to tell him otherwise... Here's a picture of his loot that he got for the baby.

What is your favorite baby toy or 'thing' that you got for your baby?
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