Thursday, February 20, 2014

I could just cry.

At any moment. Seriously... I could be happy watching something. Here it comes oh god. I'm crying.

 The other day, I was watching a 6 year old dance on Ellen and I was crying... WHY WAS I CRYING?! He was just dancing?! Or like today. When I learned that my next appointment isn't actually for an ultrasound like I had originally thought. It's for a regular OBGYN scary duck appointment. I talked with the receptionist, who wasn't the nicest -_- gr. and she was like 'ugh no. It's not for that' obviously I explained to her that I was under the impression that I was having an ultra sound. 

Then I hear "Shelley you have a client" oh great. Now I have to wipe the tears, and man up if you will, and do this client. Stressing the whole time, god lord I don't even FEEL pregnant anymore. I GET IT IM ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES. If I hear that one more time I'm going to scream. I understand I'm lucky that I'm not continuously barfing my brains out, but it still makes me worried. Ya know? 

So I'm done with my client and I call back and speak with the nurse practitioner. Because if I don't I'm going to seriously have a panic attack, I tell her I'm freaking out, she says every pregnancy is different. (Well yea. I know that) and not to stress too much. She tells me exactly what the appointment is going to consist of, duck thing eek I hate that thing! And a Doppler heartbeat. 

Thank The Lord. Now I'm crying again because I'll at least be able to hear the heartbeat! Very excited for Mondays appointment, even though I don't get to SEE the little baby. But, hearing the heartbeat is going to make me very happy. And most likely cry again. Then HOPEFULLY I'll be able to make an appointment to find out boy or girl! Gah! I can't even. I'm so excited! 

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