Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hello world expectant of my blog to be up and ready to go on ever Wednesday! To tell you the truth I'm getting bored doing the same thing every week and, well, it happens. I get bored easy... So this week I'm going to do something different... I will tell you, my belly hasn't grown any, not in inches anyways, and I didn't weigh myself this morning. Completely forgot. But hey. Life happens. I am getting SERIOUS amounts of heartburn though, it's intense. Like a dragon has taken residancy in my esophagus. Anywho, that's my mini update for this week... I can feel Charlie all the time now. It's amazing and I love it. I dread the day I can't feel her little movements anymore, BUT that means I'll be holding her. So. I mean there is that too. At work today as I was cruising Pinterest, I came across this woman's blog. And in it she had given '100 things I want my kids to know' I didn't read it because I thought hey, I can do that. So. I did. Except, it's 100 things I want my teenager to know. Or my adult child. Or anyone who will listen... It's basically just a list that I've come up with, and well. I think it's pretty solid advise. Here goes. 

1. You are amazingly beautiful, unique, and cherished. Never forget that. 

2. You have the power to do what you want. Only you can make it so

3. Don't live your life complaining, it is unattractive, and no one truly wants to have a friend that complains all the time. 

4. 'Never grow up' is some really good advise. Always make sure that you understand what that means. 

5. Give respect where it is due. 

6. Always stick up for yourself. Use your words. They can be your strongest weapon. 

7. Stand UP for what you believe in. Don't let anyone silence you. 

8. Don't walk with your head down, you can't see where you're going. 

9. 'Kill em with kindness' - is probably one of the most useful things I was ever taught. 

10. Don't correct peoples grammar. It makes you seem like a know it all.

11. You DONT know it all, research, but always be open to someone else's opinion on the matter. 

12. NEVER judge someone for who they love. It is not a choice. 

13. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. More than likely people treat you how you treat them already. 

14. Like what you like because you chose to. Not because it's a trend. If it happens to also be a trend that's cool too. 

15. Hear me now. YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR DISNEY. Never. Ever. 

16. You create your own luck. 

17. If you're on time, you're already 10 minutes late. 

18. Be kind to small things. 

19. Make wishes. But set goals to achieve those wishes. 

20. Have determination. In everything you do. 

21. Own up to getting distracted. It happens... But don't be rude about it. 

22. Hold hands with people you love. You won't always be able to. 

23. Never be the first to let go when hugging a relative. 

24. Listen to the stories of your elders. They have seen more than you can imagine. Take the time to cherish their words. 

25. Just jump in when you're getting in the pool. Dipping your toe wastes swimming time. 

26. Be daring. 

27. Taste new foods. 

28. Get out of your comfort zone. A ship is always safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are made for... 

29. A good analogy will take words away from someone. 

30. Sing. Even if you don't know the words. Just sing. 

31. Only be shy for a few moments. Then it's time to dive in. 

32. Talk to everyone. People have amazing stories. 

33. Make mistakes. It's a part of life. 

34. LEARN from your mistakes. It's a part of life. 

35. Read books. Real books. In a library. 

36. Watch the clouds and find the pictures in them. 

37. Don't stop using imagination. 

38. Create beautiful things with your hands. 

39. Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to see what you're eating. 

40. Always find one good thing about each day. 

41. Never speak ill of your family. Especially your spouse. 

42. Don't be afraid to ask for help. 

43. Have at least one meal you can cook so well it leaves people begging you to make again. 

44. Use your manners every time 

45. Appreciate the sunrise. 

46. Pay attention to how your father treats me. Learn from it. 

47. Always have a backup plan. 

48. Take pictures. Lots of them. 

49. Share your favorite things. 

50. Cuddle your animals. 

51. Crying does not make you weak. 

52. If you don't like the way someone makes you feel, tell them. 

53. Appreciate the flowers. 

54. Go with the flow. 

55. There is more treasure in books, than there is loot on treasure island

56. Watch classic movies. 

57. Embrace your flaws. 

58. Your true love, is a special gift. Don't tarnish it. Savor it. 

59. Sleep on luxurious sheets. 

60. Wear good shoes. They can affect your mood. No one is happy with unhappy feet. 

61. Drink more water. 

62. NEVER write down anything you wouldn't want someone to read. 

63. Find one thing, excel at it. And don't boast about it. 

64. Say 'yes

65. 'Bait your own hook' -take that as you want. 

66. Love your job. If you can't love it, move on. 

67. Your family needs you. Always remember that. 

68. Keep your promises. 

69. Pinky promises are serious... If you have any doubt about the promise you are about to make, don't pinky promise. 

70. There's appropriate times to swear. Learn them. 

71. Look people in the eye when they talk. Acknowledge them as they speak. 

72. If you must fidget, do so in a manner that won't distract anyone else... A marble, or small toy in a loose pocket is a good idea. 

73. Compliment people. It can literally make their day. 

74. Friendship is a two way street. 

75. You are not a doormat. 

76. Wearing cheap perfume/cologne makes you smell like cheap perfume/cologne 

77. Don't run over bags/boxes in the street. There's kittens in them. 

78. Hear this. Spiders ARE NOT SCARY. 

79. If you can make it, don't buy it. It's more satisfying to have someone ask you where you got something and then non shalantly say, 'oh that? I made it...'

80. If you don't know what a word means, ask for it to be defined. Always look it up on your own after. 

81. Always speak to children as if you are speaking to an adult. If they don't understand, they're honest and will tell you. Or you'll be able to tell. 

82. Be prepared to suffer the consequences for your actions. 

83. Explore everything. 

84. Be polite. It gets you places. 

85. Never belittle someone else's dream. No matter how silly you think it is. 

86. Fix your hair in the mornings, you never know who will come to your door. 

87. There's nothing better than having a loved one take care of you when you're sick. But don't abuse it. 

88. Laugh at people's jokes. 

89. Sometimes you should just breathe to get through a situation. 

90. If you talk badly about someone, they are probably going to find out. Don't lie when they confront you. 

91. Don't waste your day on your electronics. The world is an amazing place. And there's life out there. 

92. Go to the bathroom before you leave the house. Just try... 

93. Unless you're giving directions, don't tell anyone how to drive. 

94. Recognize when you're annoying someone. Stop it. 

95. Take care of your belongings. 

96. When you pass a car accident, you don't need to be a lookie loo, say a prayer and hope for the best. 

97. The best gifts are the unexpected ones, that honor loved ones. 

98. Do good deeds for people you don't know. 

99. Be a gardener... Taking care of plants is a beautiful thing. Spread flower seeds randomly in the spring. Flowers make people happy

100. Take into consideration all things. Really let them sink in.  

So there it is. Hopefully you've learned or gained something for that. :-) 

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