How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain/measurements: gained another lb! And a half inch around!
Mama gear: dresses and more dresses. It seems as though that I have lost my maxi dress pattern. This makes me terribly sad. And I'll have to get a new one. :-(
Tiger stripes: nothing new that I've noticed.
Nuh nite time: still a joke... I'm going to invest in a new body pillow very soon. Anyone have any suggestions to the best one, let me know!
Best moment this week: Charlie has been moving like crazy! And I love it! So much. It's the most amazing indescribable feeling I've ever felt.
Right now, I'd really love to go: to sleep on my stomach... Anyone know how soon after childbirth this is possible?
If I don't have that on my taste buds right now I'm going to freak: no significant cravings to note right now...
Boy or girl: girl.
Symptoms: lack of sleep. Frequent urination... Moody...
Belly button in or out? In, and shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on. :-)
Happy or moody most of the time: happy, mostly, but I've been noticing I get a little moody here and there.
Looking forward to: tomorrow I'm going w my niece to HER ultrasound for her lil girl! I'm excited to see!